Chiropractor-Academic training from an expert Chiropractor-Academic

Phillip Ebrall
Phillip's academic career has covered the full range of responsibilities, from lesson planning & delivery, to competency assessment, and whole-of-program curriculum design and delivery. He is driven by continuous quality improvement to strengthen delivery and enhance graduate outcomes. As a person he is a citizen of Asia but a resident of Australia. Phillip works effortlessly and passionately across all borders and now donates his time and expertise to curate emerging programs.
Career highlights
In 1990 Phillip commenced as Lecturer, RMIT Dept of Diagnosis, promoted to Associate Professor, and Discipline Head, Chiropractic, from 2003. In 2011 he resigned to accept appointment as founding Professor (Chiropractic) with CQU. There he established the first Australian Chiropractic program in a regional city (Mackay) and opened campuses in two state capitals, Brisbane and Sydney. He retired from CQU in 2014 due to illness.
Asian activity
As an academic (1990-2016; 2020+) Phillip wrote, renewed, then managed the curriculum in 8 chiropractic programs in 3 languages across 5 countries and 4 universities. All programs attained full compliance with accreditation standards. In addition to the Tokyo College of Chiropractic of which he was President from 2018, the Chiropractic programs he has influenced across Asia include those at the International Medical University KL, Hanseo University Korea, & the University of Makati, Manila.
‘I see things which do not yet exist’
BAppSc(Chiropr) PIT 1989;
PhD Male Adolescent Low Back Pain and Chiropractic, RMIT 2000;
Grad Cert Tert Learning Teaching, RMIT 2007;
MPhotog (TPF), 1975;
DC (Hon) TCC, 2018;
Post-Doc studies SCU 2019/20;
Solid publication record:
~ 226 indexed scholarly papers (Chiroindex.org);
7 book chapters;
2 textbooks;
12 Apple Books;
1 novel
Current eBook:
A philosophy of Chiropractic, in press.

Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal
Founder and Editor: Asia-Pacific Chiropractic Journal (2020)
A quarterly peer-reviewed, indexed journal speaking Chiropractic to Chiropractors.
Founded on the pillars of Freedom, Truth, and Health, the apcj is now in its 5th year and growing as a strongly supported voice for Chiropractic clinicians, academics, and students.